Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Treatment 4 inflammed uncomfortable hemorrhoids that have been resistant 2 traditional treatments.?

Exploring anal sex a week ago. I have tried to prepare. H, suppositories Anucort prescription strength, anal, ship, Neosporin, absorption of Epsom salts, cold compresses for inflammation. These treatments have been unsuccessful, and I'm tired of it. Need advice! get some baby wipes and pour a little nuts on the table when you have a bowel movement to clean the area with baby wipes. Witch hazel is inexpensive and helps to relieve pain more than anything or you can try a mixture of hemorrhoids (1 / 2 and ½) of sulfur and molasses (a teaspoon) twice daily orally for three days, drinking a cup of Epson salt solution (add salt to the water until it is saturated and can not be dissolved). Making this process nine days. It worked for me before nine days were up. This was given to me by a "little women grandmother" of South Carolina. Bob Hammer, if you're sick to work, you can make an appointment with a doctor, they should hopefully help you solve this problem more effectively than any advice people give.


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