Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Is rectal ablution with holy water a good idea for the treatment of hemorrhoids?

This seems a good compromise between my predecessor and my doctor's recommendations. I would not recommend the holy water I have seen a tendency to mildew. but you need a rosary first Ummmmmm, okay.sure say. Funny, if you only lose weight, I turn piles would not be a problem. Get a third opinion. Do not forget the water back to the font when you are finished. holy water can also wash all your sins and be reborn, but the priest has the water in the holy water when you're talking nonsense. Let us work for companies, how big is your dick? Well at least you know you are no longer the ass :-) holy water demons want to work for an exorcism to get rid of the devil, but it will not work on a hemorrhoid. For hemorrhoids, you need Preparation H ". Sit in a tube to the pharmacy, cheap. Apply with your finger. First today - relief. 2nd days - no more hemorrhoid. But," Preparation H "will not work in the devil.


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