Saturday, February 19, 2011

Just gave birth and have hemorrhoids horribly, what can I do for them?

I gave birth on Christmas Day, and now I have horrible hemorrhoids. I can not stand straight or something. I worked with the bucket Sitz bath was in the hospital, and I also put pads. Is there anything else I can use? My husband bought hemorrhoid cream treats, but it says to call my doctor if I am breastfeeding. I can not call them until tomorrow, has anyone had any suggestions? Go to the emergency room and let them know that they have to do with him, they can handle it, or at least give something to do not make urself suffer because u can not watch doctor ive had before and could be called as hell sick inform u I 'm your doctor's office. You should have an answering machine that the doctor made on appeal and the name they call you. I have hemorrhoids and helps and sometimes a warm washcloth and sometimes gives a little damp cloth. It's all trial and error. Good Luck. After my daughter was born, I had terrible hemorrhoids.I I was told by my doctor that it was good to prepare H ointmentHe actually contained the cream and the internal cooling gel on the outside use. Helped also sit on a donut pillow helped me a lot when I was sit.I think it took almost 2-3 weeks for them to go away.Oh, ensure that a stool help future BM to take .


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