Friday, February 11, 2011

Seeking Hemorrhoids Treatment?

I come from internal hemorrhoids during the last 6 months, pain is discomfort, pain and itch a lot and very painful during bowel movement, after consulting with homeopathic physician hamamailes drops and some mixed solution of sugar balls on a regular basis, I gave only 40% experience chronic constipation, and pain. but it is not in the actual improvement affected area (hemorrhoids). Please suggest what to do? I do not want surgery but I have suffered much. I'm not sure how effective your homeopathic treatment. Most hemorrhoids be diet-related problems and is very helpful, simply by eating better and different. What you need to fight constipation is fiber from fruits and vegetables, whole grains and cereals. You must drink plenty of clean water. You should avoid dairy products, red meat, white flour and refined foods like white bread or rice and prefabricated foods. It is also drinking mixed fiber available in pharmacies, which are mixed with water and drink one cup each day, you can also take advantage of a laxative, to make things easier, at least until the increase in dietary fiber can take. It may take several months for a better diet to completely cure a hemorrhoid, but should be able to feel the relief much faster over a month at least. You should maintain a proper diet themselves, or hemorrhoids again. Although surgery can remove the hemorrhoid will not prevent more developing countries, unless they change their eating habits. Dietary changes are the most traditional and most effective way to combat the problem. If that fails, then I'm afraid you need something a little more radical and uncomfortable. Nemea pills are available in Coop.stores RADHSWAMY satsang. Lady, take AESCULUS.1M two. SUL.1M / 2 tablets per dose or four times a day / seven days. TAKE Y-LAX (BAKSONS) TAB 1. 3 times a day / 7 days (reduce dose if the stool or normal) REPORT OF E after 8 days. method.when follow this body is suffering from an illness, the patient must receive a nutritious food.he be asked to fast for 7 or 10 day.but can have unlimited fruits (not sweet) and vegetables. unbaked also called "semi-starvation method.during semi-fasting, the body will be an accumulation of energy to fight and launch disease.that Therefore, patients are encouraged to remain negative for many foods. all foods are nutritious and high negative to the sick. prudent to consider cooked vegetables, such as water and cold drinking water headbaths every day, two or three, incresing their disease.yes is increase or aggravate the disease, the disease may require a person to culture and intelligence to understand the basic principles of holistic healing. this is part of yoga in India and is great science.i spirituality.this 3 times a day / 7 days (reduce dose if the stool or normal) REPORT OF E after 8 days. method.when follow this body is suffering from an illness, the patient must receive a nutritious food.he be asked to fast for 7 or 10 day.but can have unlimited fruits (not sweet) and vegetables. unbaked also called "semi-starvation method.during semi-fasting, the body will be an accumulation of energy to fight and launch disease.that Therefore, patients are encouraged to remain negative for many foods. all foods are nutritious and high negative to the sick. prudent to consider cooked vegetables, such as water and cold drinking water headbaths every day, two or three, incresing their disease.yes is increase or aggravate the disease, the disease may require a person to culture and intelligence to understand the basic principles of holistic healing. this is part of yoga in India and is great science.i spirituality.this 3 times a day / 7 days (reduce dose if the stool or normal) REPORT OF E after 8 days. method.when follow this body is suffering from an illness, the patient must receive a nutritious food.he be asked to fast for 7 or 10 day.but can have unlimited fruits (not sweet) and vegetables. unbaked also called "semi-starvation method.during semi-fasting, the body will be an accumulation of energy to fight and launch disease.that Therefore, patients are encouraged to remain negative for many foods. all foods are nutritious and high negative to the sick. prudent to consider cooked vegetables, such as water and cold drinking water headbaths every day, two or three, incresing their disease.yes is increase or aggravate the disease, the disease may require a person to culture and intelligence to understand the basic principles of holistic healing. this is part of yoga in India and is great science.i spirituality.this


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